To create a complete human being would require imparting knowledge and information pertaining to different aspects of the human knowledge pool.
Realization of this goal requires two steps. The first would include categorization of fields of knowledge and information. The second would be a selection of these fields which are deemed necessary for a complete education.
A very important decision in the formulation of a curriculum and course materials is the selection of subjects. Keeping this in mind, the following subject areas have been identified as necessary for the development of a complete person. A detailed list of subjects identified within these Subject Areas is given as well. All of these subjects will be taught to students during their education, either for some years or throughout their education.
Tag | Subject Area | Subjects | Description |
A | Arts | - Music - Dance - Theatre - Debate - Fine Arts - Sculpture - Design - Architecture | Understanding creativity, expression, aesthetics and design. |
B | Humanities | - History - Linguistics - Literature - Poetry - Philosophy - Religion | Learning about the creativity and genius that is part of the letters. |
C | Social Sciences | - Anthropology - Archaeology - Economics - Geography - Political Science - Psychology - Sociology | Study of the human condition and the experiences and lives of individuals and communities. |
D | Natural Sciences | - Biology - Chemistry - Physics - Earth Sciences - Space Sciences | Knowledge about how the physical world works around us. |
E | Formal Sciences | - Pure Mathematics - Applied Mathematics - Logic - Computer Science - Statistics | Understanding the basic nature of knowledge and mathematics. |
F | Technology and Professional Studies | - Technology - Annual Project - Professional Education - Vocational Instructions - Professional Skill Building | Usage and knowledge of tools and crafts that is required to conduct tasks and activities. |
G | Physical Education | - Martial Arts - Yoga - Gymnastics - Sports - Individual Sports - Camping and Scouting | Creating a healthy body to house a health soul and mind. |
Another important aspect of the selection of subjects is the portion of time each subject is to be taught to the student. This is based on the important of the subject on the student’s growth and development. Also, these requirements will be different during each year of study that the student goes through.