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Nawab ud Daulah Nizam ul Mulk Aala Hazrat Shams ud din Muhammad Altamash Hai Khan Bahadur Yar Jung;
I can be contacted at aala hazrat at gmail dot com.
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Tag Archives: humour
What am I. Continue reading
w w w
Not the world wide web and the glories of the Information Age; rather, What women want. Recent excavations at the city of Pomplaneum in central Italy have unearthed an engraved tablet which contains the first few lines of a groundbreaking … Continue reading
Posted in humour, Society
Tagged competition, estrangement, humour, men, relationships, research, sarcasm, science, society, women
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On the academic pursuits of Doctors Murphy, Tang, Iyer, Hamidi
Two questions have baffled mankind since the dawn of time. We must consider ourselves lucky to be living in times when these questions have been answered. Dr Murphy’s (of the Boston Murpheys) eminent “Compendium of Useful and Liberating Information” published … Continue reading
Partial Eclipse of the Brain
Yours truly was overly excited about the great natural phenomenon which is a solar eclipse. Since I had been very bad the past one year, Santa decided to provide only half of my wishes and I was blessed with a … Continue reading
Lipstick Jungle and the Ilk thereof
Work, life and more (The saga continues) I hate Sex and the City. And I hated the movie more than, oh so much more than, I hate stupid people. That is saying a lot. Listening to four grown women crib … Continue reading
Karachi And Islamabad
Work, life and more Pakistanis are a nation that loves bigotry. Ethnicity, religion, language, colour, caste, creed, tea condiments, colour of clothing, and cities. We love to differentiate. And we love to be bigoted against all possible things different from … Continue reading
Posted in Society
Tagged bigotry, communalism, food, humour, islamabad, karachi, pakistan
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Good Friends Are Bad Friends
Work, life and more. After talking to a very intellectually sound and intelligent friend I got to thinking about friendship. Previously I was a good friend, I was there for people, I used to enjoy their company and I was … Continue reading
Posted in Relationships, Sarcasm
Tagged college, companionship, friendships, humour, relationships, sarcasm, society, work
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Exercise and Weight Control
A law has been passed in Tahiti that makes it mandatory for people to start exercising once they reach a certain weight. The law was brought into the parliament by a conservative party politician whose father had become so fat … Continue reading
Posted in Sarcasm, Society
Tagged competition, dieting, exercise, food, humour, obesity, tahiti
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Obesity And Technology Clash
The rector of the Indus Institute of Technology made a startling discovery last month. After in depth research conducted by 27 universities, research institutes and a sociological centre the discovery seems to have been proven as true. Obese people find … Continue reading
Bad Drivers And Cat Fighters
Police in the border city of Lahore have reported a steep rise in automobile accident related cat fighting incidents. Speaking to the Non Violence Armada police sources quoted a total of 39 cat fights due to traffic accidents during this … Continue reading
Posted in Society
Tagged humour, irrationality, patience, society, traffic, violence
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